★Glitter & Glam★
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1 nite stand

yesterday... i had e time of my life. nyahhas.

in e afternoon, i head over to lil mikki's hse (my baby nephew) to celebrate his bdae. his bdae actualli fell on 17 october but i missed it cos was damn bz preparin fer O levels. my mummy n i bought him a power ranger cake frm polar. hehe. wanted barney but dey dint haf any. so we celebrated n he absolutely loves it. Muax!!
den at nite ard 9. mum n aunt planned to head to one of e clubs in clarke quay. haha. was damned shocked wen they asked me to join them. so dint expect it. i was like. huh? but i agreed to since my fav cuzz, 19, wanted me to acc her. so we head der by taxi. it was abt 11 pm wen we reached der. damnn!! e place was so crowded. was hoping mum wanted to go MOS but e queue was damn freakin long. so we head for a club named "1 nite stand" instead. i was like dressed so street kind. since it was unplanned, i had my sandals on instead of heels since in e afternoon i tot we're just gnna b at my cuzz's place. damn!!! haha. okay. so i tried to go in. but e bouncer stopped me. haha. underage. den he told us to try another club "Gotham" on e 2nd floor. so we tried. but dint managed. we head back down to 1 nite stand n this time e bouncer let me in. whees! nyahhas. it was ladies nite so der was free entrance n free flow. i dun drink so dats a pity. =p der was alot of "ang mohs". e club was quite okay. n der was a stage for live bands. my cuzz n i hit e dance floor. whees. oh! all e stress simply drift away. haha. but was sweating. after ard 30 mins, i soo culdnt take it. my hip n my leg was hurting. haha! den after sum time, we rest n ordered drinks. whoa! e fruit punch tasted oh so exotic. den ard 3 in the morn, we call it quits. but b4 dat we chatted wif e bouncer fer awhile. he was damn frenly n nice la. n we gt to noe e age limit was 21. GASP! =x haha. n we ate at mcD fer awhile b4 taking NR2 back to my cuzz place. n i slept over der. once reached, i hit e sack n was asleep in 5 seconds flat.
till next time. =)
love... syaQ


★ Behind the scenes of my awesome possum life ★

♥ Take a step into a world of joy where there is only you, me and beautiful rainbows ♥