warning! violent shooter on e move.
oohhss!!! i love his cute lil butt!!! heehee.
awwwww...he luks so cute sucking ice lemon tea frm straw.
ytd... i went out wif one of my beloved cuzz, whu is more of a sis to me, kak Elly n her son a.k.a my nephew a.k.a my boyfren... mikki!! (shown in e pikchas above) its been long since i hang out wif em. y? bcos of skool. nw dat dat its holiday. i cn see em!! yay!! so we went n chill at ard causeway point. omg!!! i miss going der okay. y? cos i used to go der alot wen kak Elly stay at woodlands. nw she's move up 2 sembawang, i hardly go der. n at woodlands area, as agreed by a couple of girls, der is like a lot of cute......ehm ehmm. lets nt talk abt dat. hees. so first we head fer e lib to get sum books but i had a fine of $15 under my name!!! i was like damn shocked. okay. so wth. we dint borrow books. den we head to basement. we gt ourselves sum tako yaki n bubble tea!!! yummy. den we gt up to e arcade n eat outside der. after eating, mikki pulled me into e arcade. he was like so xcited. hees. cute! den he noticed e nemo station!!! (as shown in e pikchah). OMG!! he love dat thing!! he was like spendin all his time starin at e lil fishes in e machine gg round n round n nvr get bored. n he giggle wen he saw e fishes flops. so cute! den wen its time 2 go, his mummy wanted to bring him out of e arcade n he screamed!!! omg! den he sobbed wif his lil hands coverin his face. awww. okay. den after we go take neoprints or watever its called. den suddenly i had crazy craving fer almost all e fud i saw. dunno y. i bought two barbequed chicken wings frm cold storage n frm yakun kaya toast, i bought 2 slices of kaya toast wif butter, 2 slices of toast wif raspberry ice cream and a bowl of soft boiled eggs. den after done eating, i bought 2 bottles of nail polish fer myself. =) after loads of satisfactory hangin ard, we parted. was so sad to part wif em. though its s'pore n s'pore is small, e distance felt so big. love em to pieces. =)