Today. went shoppin wif family. wow. believe it or nt. its been like decades since i last shop. cos been so caught up wif tight school schedules. so ard 7 plus in e evening we went to vivo ct. dat is after mummy's done wif werk. first thing dat catches my eye was a reali fab sweater at Fox. I was like oh my god! dats so cute! hees. it came in two colours. black n white. white was my fav colour but black was cute too. i was in a huge dilemma. finally. i decided 2 settle fer e black one cos at dat time sumone came to mind n dat help me decide. wats e link? fer me to noe n fer u to go figure. nyahhas. after dat, we got a pair of kappa shoes fer my lil bro. it was neat. fer guy's of cos. den i helped mummy picked out a pair of reali hot straight cut jeans n a reali swank black top at marks n spencer. it looks fab on mummy. daddy dint bought anything cos he's nt into shoppin. god noes y. den after dat. wanted 2 shop fer more but it was gettin late n e shops were like closing. damn. so we went n haf dinner at west coast hawker centre. wow. e foods were damn tasty. its real nice eatin tgeder as a family. muax! love yahs family!! =)