★Glitter & Glam★
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300509 My gfs...Bella & Serlyna <3

From left, Nas, Luqman & my baby brother.

Phat nutz crew. Aren't they just adorable?

Me & Serlyna love at long john's, Plaza singapura

Si siti baju green suke je interframe. LOL.

Sombody's got herself an Adida product! WOHHOO.

"Donut cake" from Bella to Serlyna for her belated bday.

Bella cried instead of Serlyna on Serlyna's bday??

Bella feeding Serlyna. Muke maintain oiiiii. LOL.

My long lost precious fren & I
Okay. I went to support my Baby brother for his performance at Plaza Singapura. His crew, Phat nutz along with the other nutz took part in Breathe 2009 Competition. I was feeling damn paisey as I went to support all alone. My boyfy hadta be in camp on that particular day. Sadness. (And unfortunately... All my other scandals are unavailable.) =p Kidding baby boy. Ok. Moving on... So, I decided to call Serlyna to check if she would be available to acc me as I know she is my partner wen it comes to dance competitions, food, partay and everything else. LOL.
Here is the convo...
Me: Babe. Kau free tak nari? (U free tday babe?)
Serlyna: Aku nari kua ngan Bella. Asal? (Tday, Im gg out wif Bella. Y?)
Me: Tanye je... Cos aku skarang ni kat adek aku nye dance comp beh aku paisey gler uh cos aku sorang siols. Aku ingat kau leh turon teman aku. Hahahha. (Asking only. Cos Im alone at my bro's comp and Im damn paisey. I thot u can acc me)
Serlyna: Y not kau join aku ngan Bella? (Y not u join me & Bella?)
Me: Huh? Aku anything tapi Bella ok tak? (Huh? Im okay wif anything but Bella...?)
Serlyna: Okay okay. Kau tunggu jap. Aku gy tanye die. (Okay. You wait. I ask her.)
(See. I soo nice translate for all you non malay readers. Hheheeh)
And so, they came and meet me at Plaza Singapura. They missed my bro's performance but was just in time to watch some other amzing crews.
Btw...Bella was looking totally fly. She is getting more and more gorgeous okay. I missed her muchness. Last time we hang was like a year ago. Wayyy back.
And so...We went to eat at LJS den head to Bugis area and hang there. Met up wif Bella's sis and frens. Nice and funny people. LOL.
And then in the end, Bella wanted to surprise Serlyna. We told serlyna we were going to the toilet. AND!! Serlyna was like..."OMG. Dun leave me HERE!! There is sooo many mats and minahs. What am I supposed to do all alone?!!". (its a phobia us gfs have since long long ago)LOL. We hadta convince her to wait. THANK GOD SHE AGREED. So Bella and I went to J&Co to buy "donut cake" and then we obviously hadta hide it from Serlyna. So we stuffed it in Bella's bag. HAHAHAH. OMG. OH yah. Dun forget Bella's SPECIAL UMBRELLA.
It rained at Bugis before dat so we were like... "OMG! Its raining!" And here is the convo...
Me: HAHA. Takpe. Aku bawak payung!
Bella: Aku pon!!
Bella: Alamak! Tapi payung aku case mak mak punye tau.
*And she took out her umbrella*
Serlyna & I burst out laughing! Like damn loud.
Serlyna: Takpe ah Bella. Aku rase aku share payung Syaq je ah.
Bella: Abeh aku??
Me: Takpe ah. Kau pakai je payung tu sorang2. Wkakaaka.
And of cos...We avoided the rain. DUH!
We brought Serlyna to Esplanade. There is wer we executed the plan. And u noe wat... That was wen Bella made a very clever statement. "EH! I forgot to bring lighter ah!" =.= So, me being the more outgoing one hadta go and ask for lighter from some random people.
All in all...I had an enjoyable time wif my two lovables. I look forward to hanging with them again. They are such a joy to be around. I LOVE YOU GIRLS!! CALL ME! =)


★ Behind the scenes of my awesome possum life ★

♥ Take a step into a world of joy where there is only you, me and beautiful rainbows ♥