We surprised Fiqah wif a cake and a gift at RP's lawn. I noooeee... SO MISKIN rite. Woulda wanted to celebrate at some other places but girlfrens are busy wif skul. =) Anw. It was real nice to haf that mini celebrations. Missed my girls soooo much. As usual, it was a day filled wif endless laughter. Syaf brought her nasi (rice) and curry from home in her cute tap-pa-wear (tupperware) and Fiqah with her Ju-on face (wenever she sticks out her tongue).
Some of our convo:
Fiqah: Syaf...Aku kasi kau 3 bulan je. Lepas tu confirm kau da tak pakai tudung. (I give you 3 weeks ah Syaf. After 3 weeks, confirm you tak off your headscarf.)
Syaq a.k.a ME: Fiqah...Da maju nampak. Skarang bukan main suke pakai slua pendek cotton on kau. Dulu kau kate aku sexy skarang kau lagy sexy. LOL. (Wah. Somebody upgrade already ah. Last time, you say I wear sexy. Now, u forever wif your cotton on shorts. More sexier than me.)
and i asked iffah...
Me: Iffah... aku ingat kau ckp kau insaf. Asal nari kau pakai sexy lagy? (Eh. I thot u repent already. Why today you dress sexily?)
Iffah: Yelah. Aku insaf. Tapi tuhan kasi aku satu off day per week. So, one day each week aku boleh pakai sexy. (Yalah. I repent already. But god gave me one off day per week. So, I get to dress sexily one day each week.)
HAHHAHA. Mepek seyy iffah. okay. today is all about FIQAH! Here goes...
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to FIQAH
Happy birthday to you...
May you be blessed wif happy happy times oh lovely Fiqah. LOVE YOU BABY GIRL!!