hmm. okay. i had gymming fer wakeboarding in skul. GOD. it so rocks to burn fats. lol. budden sadded. after gymming, ate laksa. gained back e fats. *sigh. lol. anyways. i got home at 9.30pm. heard daddy lecturing someone b4 got in e house. so im guessing sumtink's up. got in n saw my bro crying. n mummy looked disappointed. Gosh. i was shocked. I saw my bro's hair was brown in colour. he told me it was some coloured gel or wax. den i asked if can wash it off. he said its onli possible with a special type of cream. I dunno of any gel or wax of such thing. im guessing it was a dye tho his frens told him its gel or wax. i dun blame him n em. kids of his age are still naive & curious. so i made mummy n daddy stop scolding and screaming n to learn to talk n listen instead. n i saw remorse in my bro's eyes and he cried and say he wont do it. wen we talked nicely den he open up to us & tell us about wats gg on in his life. i feel like such a bad sister fer nt knowing wats happening in his life. all bcos im so bz wif my own life & IGs (term fer cca in rp). hmm. i shall make sure i talk to him more. anyways. i thot his hair colour was rather nice but of cos i dint tell him dat. see. my parents have dis policy... NO DYING OF HAIR. dat applies to me too. so yup. tho im in poly, ive never dyed my hair. hmm. dats abt it? so so tired. got hiphop IG tmrw. toodles!
p.s: to all parents. learn to listen n not hear to wat ur kids hafta say.. yelling or scolding doesnt always work. instead, ask em why they do mistakes. make em reflect on their wrong doings. it works better that way. =)