okay. i was in a rush e other time so i dint get to write about wat happened but oni manage to post e pikchahs. okay.. so... e last day was super syiokk. we had our mass dance in e mornin. kelvin partner me. lol. salina was wif hoe kang. (dunno how to spell). hahas. den we were like giggling away. so hilarious la dancing. awkward man.
we oso head fer mass communications building. we get to see e studios n all. super cool. den we oso went to school of humanities. der was puppet show put up fer us. super cute. n we even tried drawing panda using 'chinese calligraphy' ? or sumthing like dat. haha. den der was oso magic show. super awesome. we had breeks as lunch. n we had ramen ten fer dinner. (fer muslim) n yoshinoya fer non-muslims. not bad la. den we had picture-takings wif our student leaders, mascots, n new frens. i made frens wif people named iffah, diana, tivona, farah, apple, charmaine, amanda n so on.
der were alot of pretty red campers. even e student leaders are good-looking. den we had hopnite. der were performances by paul twohill, westgrand boulevard, comic strip n one group of dancers. den we had a deejay frm zoukout that came down to perform. n e songs played were nice. n lili, me n tivona were like dancing like crazy. haha. den der was dis 1 malay guy n 1 chinese guy who tried to take turns grinding us while we were dancing. but thankfully lili realised it n pulled us away. oh yah. n before we entered the "mini underage club", der were security checks n we had to let them see our bag contents. haha. so silly. but it was fun. fer u guys whu wuld haf e chance to go red camp next year, do go aite. it might be awesome!! =)