★Glitter & Glam★
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School sent me and a couple of other girls for a temporary 5 day attachment with bodyshop for xmas. We hadta wear santarinas outfit and give out free samples of products and candies. It was a fun experience. I like giving candies to little kids. They are soo adorable! Was attached to Vivo outlet together with Pei shi. =) Will get the pic of us from mum's cam and update here. So, scroll to this post again to look out for our pics kay. =D


161209 Ladies night @ Butterfactory

Intended to go to Supperclub but decided on butterfactory instead. Met baby Iffah and...
Obviously, first thing we girls would do when we meet is scream in excitement and hug. =D

Baby Iffah & I at Raffles MRT

Yes. I know. It is LADIES NIGHT. Don't blame boyfy for being there. Boyfy gave me the green light to go Ladies night on my own but mum threatened me to bring boyfy or else I would not be able to go club cos she is worried for my safety. So, boyfy had to come...

While awaiting the arrival of princess Miera, we camwhored by the river. =)

Below pic: Iffah, me & Princess Miera (Princess bcos she made us wait for her. hahahha.)
Background info: Miera has been my classmate for nearly 2 semesters and suddenly we decided to club together since she knows Iffah. =D

Below pic: Us girls. Some I just got to know that day itself. (Friends of friend)
P.S: Im hidden beside Iffah (Spot me if you can.) Credits to boyfy for taking this picture and focusing on other girls and not realising Im only partially in the pic. =.=

The queue was fucking long and finally we GOT INNNN. CLUBBING TIME.

And so, we clubbed from the club opens till it closes (10.30pm to 3 am). Look at our shag faces below... Ewww. Anyways... we (Boyfy, Iffah, Farhan, Miera & I) decided to chill out till the public transports starts again. I, fell asleep till about 5am on boyfy's comfy lap. (He stroke my hair throughout the whole two hours I was asleep. Soo soo sweet.) Then, boyfy and I decided to just give up waiting and cabbed home cos it was freezing cold I swear.

Butterfactory is definitely the best club I have been to. The music I LOVE, the ambience PERFECT. However, reasons why I may not go there is because of the crazy crowd and effing long queue. The crowd is really crazy about 1am onwards. You could barely move an inch. I am not exaggerating.
Anyways, I made a record! Butterfactory is my fifth clubbing experience and Im still an alcohol virgin. Never even let a drop of it on my lips. Im so proud of myself. *Applaud!* Yay me. Baby did not drink too. Applause for baby boy. =)
It was a great night to remember. Clubbing wif Iffah & Miera again definitely. =D


Baby is back from Goldcoast!!! =D

Billabong top

A floral skirt


Chocolates and souveniors.

First 3 pics are pics of things baby bought for me from Gold coast. The fourth pic are things he buy for my parents. How sweet. Of course, I bought him a famous amos heart shaped cake to welcome him back.



First webcaming session wif Iffah. I miss that sunshine of mine. =) Hang out soon darlin.


With much love, your baby girl.

Yesterday, we watched new moon. I cried twice i think. Its such a bitter sweet movie. The girl was kinda mean because she sorta make use of Jacob to get over Edward. But then again... who coulda blamed her? She had her reasons.

Today, moo moo sent me his resume cos he wanted me to take a look at it since School of hospitality at RP have trained us all in that area.. I took a look at his academic achievements and I was shocked like hell! I knew all along he was an intelligent boy but I didn't realise that he is THAT intelligent. Lol. His results are sooooo good dat its so unbelievable. Ive never seen so much A's in my life before. Im so proud of you, my baby boy. seriously. =)
Here's his results...

Anyways...tonight... moo moo's flying off to Goldcoast, Australia with his family for a couple of days. Im gonna miss you moo moo. Miss me too okay? Enjoy yourself and don't worry about me. Do take care and take beautiful pictures for me. mwahhhhh. =)

Just when im so used to having you around me, we had to part again...


melted by your charm

What I said was just plain silly
Bad girls may get boys attention
But good girls get their hearts + a box of ferraro rocher & a stalk of rose
How sweet.


★ Behind the scenes of my awesome possum life ★

♥ Take a step into a world of joy where there is only you, me and beautiful rainbows ♥