★Glitter & Glam★
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Day 2 and day 3 at my bday resort. =)

This is the place we stayed in...

Resort number 8. =)

This is our resort...

The bedroom

The kitchen

The living room

Day 2, we woke up and went swimming. Serlyna dint join to swim but she read a book under the shade.

Pretty boy wif flower in his hair. =D

We wanted to play bowling but we were too tired. Wanted to karaoke but the offer is for 3. So, we settled for pool.

My baby's got skills. He defeat me all the time but at times he let me win. Sweet.

Me: How do you win all the time?
Him: I just do some calculations and I get the ball in the hole.
Me: ?? Who in the world does calculations while having fun? Like der isnt enuff calculations in school. (Well, not me apparently)

Day 3: We're going home...

Ghost of me... OOOOOO. *Making scary ghost sounds*

Sadly, we hafta pop all the beautiful balloons. I felt sad. Real sad.

He murdered my balloons wif a knife.

After we checked out, we went to Westcoast mall? Or watever the name is. Used to be called Ginza plaza?

We love being kiddish! =)

After dat, we went to sign up for Drving Licence at BBDC. Yes. Me and boyfy signed up together. See dat shirt I wear? Belongs to boyfy. We are of the same size. =D

Baby read the book like an angel.

We were both stunned like hell when the person asked us to go and take a picture at the picture booth for our membership card. We sooo dint expect dat. We weren't even dressed up for it. gRR!

We are definitely excited to be taking the licence together. How cool is dat?! Yes. We took manual cos we love a challenge!


My Roaring 18th Party =)

Baby helped put up the balloons

Serlyna helped pumped the balloons

My make-up artist, Aini. =p

Got my hair done by these two ladies. Lovely. =)

The grand entrance.

Mask baby!!

Me & The mixer at my party, Jamyl. Great music mixed by him. Thank you. =)

Dancing with glowsticks. OOOh.

Deena, me & Amelia


My lil bro dancing off. Nice!

Gift from baby #1: My leopard print birthday cake customised specially by Food In Finity costing $86.

My dad, me, my lil bro and my mum. Thank you mum & dad for having paid for the party. =)

Boyfy & I

My minahs: Iffah, Syaf & Anah + Anah boyfy and Syaf's fren

My cousins: Kartini, Mariam, Karmila, Yanto, My lil bro and Solihin

Wakeboard love: Harun, Deena & Deni + Kay (Deni's date)

Hiphop darls: Seri, Ferra, Amelia, Mariam, Aini, Tobi & Deni + Dinie (Ferra bf)+ Sean (Seri bf)+ Han (Aini bf)+ Lan (Mariam bf)

Childhood sweetheart: Aifa & Latt + Chep (Aifa bf) + Latt cousin

My secondary school baby: Serlyna + Bella (missing in pic due to not able to attend party)

Mummy's bestfren (Aunty Suzy) and mummy


Cut the cake wif my lovely mummy

Haikal & Me

Aunty Suzy's sons and nephew and nieces

My godbrother Syafiq and his date. OOOHH. =)

Pretty pretty balloons

They sang me a birthday song at midnight sharp. Awww.

Gift from baby #2 and #3: The lovely dress from Zara ($89.90) and the jigsaw pieces of disney characters. (No clue how much)

Gift from Serlyna

Gift from Anah & Boyfy

Gift from Ferra & Dinie

Gift from Adek Syafiq & Date

Gift from Aifa

Gift from Syaf & Iffah

Gift from Kartini, Mariam & Karmila

Gift from Syaf's fren

Gift from Deni

Gift from Seri & Sean

Gift from Tobi

Gift from Amelia, Deena & Harun

Date: 23rd September 2009, Wednesday
Venue: National service resorts and country club (Resort number 8)
Time: 7.30pm
Theme: Wildlife (Ladies to wear animal prints)
My bday was absolutely lovely. I got to celebrate it wif my close frens dat I love oh so dearly. Thank you sweethearts for coming to my party and for the lovely presents. I love it all!!
I apologise to those who weren't invited. It dun mean u mean less to me its just dat I want it to be a private celebration and the place isnt big enuf to house many people.
And for those who wished me... Melissa, Ria, Cuzz Nurul, Shida, Jann, Fiqah, Bella, Sandy, Fifi, Syayie, Adriana, Zhao yi, Syakina, Akashah, Cik Long, Nabilah, Syahirah, Kak Tasha, Azizi, Asri, Fidah and such.
I love you all. God bless you.
With love... Qeeqa
Special thanks to Mum & Dad and Omar faruq & Serlyna.


★ Behind the scenes of my awesome possum life ★

♥ Take a step into a world of joy where there is only you, me and beautiful rainbows ♥