★Glitter & Glam★
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I MISS BUNNYKINS SO SO MUCH. Omg! 2 weeks without him here and im going nuts. Cant wait to give him the white buttoned tee dat i bought frm body glove. It comes in pair for couples so I haf one too! yayness. Im fetching him from the airport on Monday. Teehee. His flight gonna land here abt 7++am. OH NO! The horror of having to wake up early and travel all the way to Changi!!! Dammnn. lol. Oh WELLS. It gna be worth it. Whee!! 8 more days to 11th monthsary!!! We're gonna reach anniversary real real soon!! Beautiful plans coming right up indeed. =)


my cousins. =)

Went out wif my dear dear cousins. I bought a real neat top wif loads a lil heart shapes. Karmila and I chipped in to buy Mary's belated bday gift, a real swanky top dat would look amazing on her. Mary bought herself tankini. Yayness. Now we can go swimming! Hope u love the gift baby girl! =) All in all, it was fun-tastic hanging out wif em. LOVE LOVE!
They hardly call you but would be the ones who pick up ur desperate call.
They are'nt always around you but would be the first to surround you wif warm embrace in time of need.
My lovely cousins... They are like sisters ive never had.
A wonderful rainbow in the dullest day. =)


Harun's bday

Harun, the bday boy

Val, Deni, Harun, Dee & me at pizza hut, marina square

Me & the lovely Val. She's so pretty! =)

Deena performing some voodoo spells on the drinks? lol.

Had a lil too much drink? =p

The lesbians of the century. Best girls in the world. =)

After dance lessons, I met up wif em lovables to celebrate Harun's bday. By then, it was alr about 7plus in the evening. Met up wif em at city hall. We had dinner at Pizza hut. Harun was so proud as he is one lucky man to haf 4 girls celebrating wif him instead of one. Lol.

After dinner, we head on down to Harry's bar at esplanade. The bday boy wanted to drink up on his bday. And so, he treated us all drinks. And no boyfy, I did not drink even a sip. Im being a realli good girlfren. =)

And so we did alot of catching up. I learnt a whole lot of alcohol names and boy were they all kinky names. LOL. Unfortunately, I hadta leave early as I had another outing the very next day.
All in all, it was awesome-licious.



Dear beloved...

My hp apparently got stolen which means I lost all my contacts. Someone at lucky plaza pick pocket it from my bag. However, I am still able to retrieve my hp number. So ya'll please msg me ur hp number and name to my old number aite. LOVE!


★ Behind the scenes of my awesome possum life ★

♥ Take a step into a world of joy where there is only you, me and beautiful rainbows ♥