★Glitter & Glam★
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Watched twilight wif baby. People been talking about it being not as good as the book itself. Screw it all. I haven read the book so wat the heck. I find the movie very interesting and superbly captivating. So captivating that wen boyfy wanted to kiss me on the lips in the movies, I shoved him away or either kiss but my eyes would still be glued to the screen. Hahas. okay. The details is sooo not necessary. But dats how good it is.
I find it touching how the 2 couples would risk anything to be together. And the male actor, put aside his wants (which is to eat that girl), just because he fell in love wif her. awwww. oh wells. Fairytale is sooo amazing but isit really a reality? That is the question. I stopped believing in the whole "i would do anything for love" because of someone. But hey... I noe my baby boy is not like that someone and he would mean it if he say it. =D (I love u baby)
Oh yah. The actor is not good looking but he has got the X-factor which makes him appealing. I dont really know what the X-factor is but watever it is, it helps. Lol. And the role of being a vampire boosts it all. And!! I find it totally cool that they can run real fast and jump from tree to tree. DOPESHIT or wat?!
I hafta say that the movie is totally fresh from the oven. It isnt like just another vampire movie. It something new. So watch it!!!


★ Behind the scenes of my awesome possum life ★

♥ Take a step into a world of joy where there is only you, me and beautiful rainbows ♥