pikchah of my seniors for hiphop ig...
Okay... I noe im like tinking im sum superwoman whu haf so many time on my hands. But i decided I wanna attempt for hiphop too as I have a huge passion for hiphop dancing. Okay. After skul went for audition wif denisia, jessie and ryna.
OMG!!! der was a whole lot of people auditioning. about close to 200 or more in total for day 1 n day 2. Okay. unlike modern dance which taught us dance steps beforehand, for hiphop, they taught the dance steps on the spot. There was 5 counts of 8. The song is soo groovy. I like. Okay. Guess wat? dey included a little bit of B-boying inside the steps too. I SOOO HAVE NO EXPERIENCE WIF B-BOYING. it was damn tricky wen it cums to floorwork. so i was like "oh shit". Lol. but the dance steps was not as difficult as i imagined it.
okay. The horrendous part for this is we have to perform our steps in front of ALL THE OTHER PEOPLE whu is auditioning too. and there is about 8 judges in front and also the current hiphop crew people. so yeah... I WAS FREAKING NERVOUS. I was so afraid i would look like an idiot in front of them whu are so professional. me n my frens were the first team to perform. each team consists of 8 people. we have to do the choreographed steps 3 times n den wrap it up with our freestyle. OMG. i was so scared of the crowd dat i almost puked FOR REAL wen abt to start. I was like trying hard to not too. lol. but... before i know it, we do it okay. onli screwed up the last 3 steps of the dance. lol. BUT WAS DAMN FUN. n there were quite alot of talented freshies. =)
oh yah... n in e morn, i check my skul webmail n e results for modern dance was out. I GOT IN MODERN DANCE!!!! woohhooo!! DAMN SHOCK. i swear. lol. soo happy. =) this was e mail i got..
Hi Everyone,
Congratulations on making it through our audition. We welcome you all to our Modern Dance IG family. Please take not of the following information about us. If you have any questions, please contact one of the advisors or Yvonne.
Modern Dance IG is very fortunate to have Zaini Tahir as one of the trainers for the IG. Zaini is the founder, resident choreographer and artistic director for NUS Dance Ensemble and has a professional career that has taken him around the world. He is currently also the Assistant Director for TRCC. IG members will have the opportunity to work with more trainers and choreographers later on in the year as well as to participate in a major production for RP’s annual arts festival.
Your advisors for this IG are Zul Adnan and myself. Zul is a academic staff with the School for Technology for the Arts and I am an academic staff with the Centre for Culture and Communication. Together with the Executive Committee, we take care of the administration and planning for this IG. The current exco for the IG consists of:
Yvonne Sin – President
Lynn Ang – Vice President
Jan Lim – Publicity
Sabrina Lim - Treasurer
Chow Wing Yan (Wing) – Rehearsal Leader
Sandhya Suresh – Rehearsal Leader
Wong Yong Yong – Wardrobe Manager
Time: 5-8.30pm
Venue: Dance Studio 1, TRCC
Time: 5-7pm
Venue: Dance Studio 2, TRCC