okay. on 260508/11.49pm, my love msged...
"I will do everything in the world to keep ur heart with me baby. I really think i'll die if i were to ever lose u. i cant c myself living without u baby. i can only see us living together happily ever after. :-) mwah! i love u so so much baby."den at 270508/1.12am, I received a msg from someone i shall not name...
"all diz while i've been waitin 4 u but u dint seem to notice. I've stood by u thru thick n thin. providin a shoulder 4 u 2 cry on & helpin u 2 move on wif life wen u alreadi lose all hope bcoz of ur ex lover. in return, i don expect anythin frm u. after gettin to noe u betta, my feelingz strted 2 develop. frenship blossom in2 luv. i pour out my feelingz 2 u bt u told me u needed tyme 2 settle down n we were juz better off being frenz. even tho we were juz frens, i still harboured of u returnin my luv. i fought hard so der wld b "us" bt it seem a mere impossible task. now dat i knew u hv a new person in ur life, itz tyme 4 me 2 bid my farewell. tanx 4 givin me an unforgettable experience. if gaining ur feelingz was alrdy mere impossible task, den 4gettin u wuld b a harder 1. tanx 4 everythn." hmm... thank u. ur msg is really sweet. i appreciate dat u feel such way for me. but im afraid i dun feel e same way too. tho ive told u we're just frens n nuthing more for umpteenth time, im sori if u tink that der was hope of us being together. ur a great person, so close to perfection. i doubt it would b hard fer u to find sumone amazing out der whu wuld love u as much as u love her. maybe its nt ur time yet. ur a realli great fren but if ur intentions are more den just frens den im sori but i hafta walk away. take care okay...
msgs from HIM dat i shall share wif e world... =)
Then i'll b forced to ask u nt to participate in the thing. if u don wana take care of urself when im ard its okie dear. coz i'll pamper n shower u wif love. but u must take care of yourself wen im not der okie baby? if not, i'll die if any harm should cum to u yayang..
sent: 220508/8.38am
I love u too baby..sigh. i guess the only reason im feeling depressed that i cant meet u is because i really really really love u n miss u dear...
sent: 210508/7.12pm
pls lah yayang. I only haf eyes for one special person..I gave my heart to this very special girl whom i trust to take realli good care of it. thats u dearie. my special wonderful darling whom i really really feel lucky to haf. ;-) mwah! love u lah baby.
sent: 210508/1.04pm
awww. im touched yayang. i love u for whu u r too sweetie. :-) yayang, i tink they should create a new word thats more than sayang or cinta because those two words are nt enough to express how much I love you dear.. ;-)
baby, thank u for being so understanding. im so lucky to haf sumone like u yayang. i love u baby. so so much. =)
W45J LOVE. =)
okay. we were scheduled for the outdoor thingy. damn scary okay. its like 3 storeys high. n u'll hafta balance urself on ropes n such. i was like shaking wen i reached the top sey. den i was like... "I dowan go can??" lol. budden after seeing other people go, i feel like..."okay syaq! come on. u can overcome dis fear. its nuthing. u wont die." seriously, i was like sum insane people trying to psycho myself to go for it. den my turn to go. i just go. n well. it was not so bad. i tried to not look down n focus my attention to my surroundings. OMG!! e view was damn nice okay. lol. n it felt so satisfying wen i managed to finish the whole thing. wow. its damn thrilling n dats wat i like. hahas. if u guys get e chance, do try okay. its awesome!! =) n e fun part was cheering our classmates on. felt more bonded sey. hehe.
after it was over, we all went home tgder. but before dat, der was a party at student lounge in skul. got free foods den we were like "ehs!! lets eat ah." den we all shamelessly went in n took as much food as possible. Leonard was hilarious. he was taking the food wen e lights were turned off den suddenly the lights went on again n wif two plates full of food in his hand, he ask one of the people beside him whu was looking at him... "can take?" hahas. so silly. after take alot den ask if can take. =)
@kaffe esplanade
syaQ & dEena. showing some attitude.
deni eating.
harun head. nyahahas.
syikin & me @ kaffe esplanade
fishy face!!
sexy pose. *vomit. hahas.
Limei & syaQ
alex hand. he always tink he's cute. nyahhas.
My favourite piece of paper. I draw2, he never get angry. lol.
written by my kakak nabilah. =D
wakeboarding girls @ gym training
Harun enjoying e moment wif deena.
Lesby wannabe(s)
camshy... yah rite.
weilun hanging himself.
okay... seniors told dat results would b out ytd. I went to visit e blog for results for like more than ten times ytd. abt 11 plus was so tired dat i gave up n just went to slip. lol. den dis morning. I woke up suddenly n quickly rush to switch on e comp n visit their blog. YES!!! results is out!! my heart was beating real fast as i scan my eyes for my number. while scanning thru, I was like praying in my heart. lol. den der i saw it.. 83964. I scream n scream like sum mad idiot. i made it thru!! wooohoo.
The msg dat goes wif it...
The result of the second round of audition is OUT!
A big CONGRATS to the above 37 people for making it thru the audition
& welcome all the 37 of you to HipHop IG!
"positive learning attitude & commitment" is what we are looking for,
do keep that in mind & stay positive always aiks(:
For those who didnt made it,do not feel disheartened nor disappointed,you guys were all GREAT!
Practices Date/Time will be brief to those selected juniors soon. Remember to check student webmail or our blog often for updates.
One Love
Hip hop boot campers
Soul Da Love
The Underpants crew
Session wif Bboy Larry
Session wif Jean
IDK crew
Bboy mad and freaky Abang (p.s: the bag Mad is holding was our prize. lol)
Leo.Aini.Mariam.Syaq.Feducia. (IDK girls)
1st day
okay. first day....thankfully i was on time!! hahas. people whu were late were supposed to do forfeit. trust me! e punishments was embarrassing. lol. so der was e forfeit session. some were hilarious n sum were cute. lol.
den we had icebreaker session. I was placed in group one. Our leader was bboy mad & ain. Was told dat mad was e best bboy-er and ain was best hiphop dancer. awesome! lol. so we hadta brainstorm on our group name. n in e end decided to settle for "IDK". lol. okay. we were all shy at first den we warm up to each other n became on of e most noisiest group. lol. den all e groups are called to play twister. we dun haf e mat so we all became e mat. We were told to put on as many colours on us as possible. den wen dey shout e colour, we hafta touch on e colour. lol. so our hand or legs are on other people. lol. damn cool.
den we had our dance lesson in studio one. taught by jean. was told she is a professional n recognised dancer. den after, we had breaking session at studio one oso. Taught by bboy Larry from Fuyo. He was really nice, fun & easy going la. we were taught six steps & baby freeze. Baby freeze was tricky bcos we had to do it on e left side!!! lol. i can onli freeze for abt 6 secs den i came crashing on the floor. lol. my head had a bump cos of dat. hurts ok! lol. ok.
den after dinner abt 7 plus? we were told we hadta choreograph our own group's dance steps. n hafta be 50% bboying. I freaked out ok. cos im damn new to bboying la! thankfully the song is onli 1 min duration? it was tough as we all had different dancing styles. sum can handle it, sum cannot so we hafta make sure we all can handle it. den after choreo abt 10pm? we hafta go slip. talked on e fone wif *HIM for awhile den go slip wen i started toking rubbish cos too slipy. hahas.
oh yah!! before dat mummy msged wif me. she asked me out of e blue... "tomorrow ur boyfy fetching u?" den i was like... "huh?? wat boyfy?" den she said..."Faruq la". Den i was like "ouhs. he's not my boyfren okay mummy. lol. mayb. i dunno. later i ask him." den she said.."aiyo. he is a boy n he's ur fren. wats wrong about calling him ur boyfy?" lol. den she gave me dat cheeky tone. lol. so cute la.
2nd day
woke up ard 6 plus? bathe den had morning mass excercise den run 2 rounds ard skul den breakfast n such den continue choreo at studio 1. den abt 2 plus, e showdown starts. so nervous seyy. we were 2nd to perform. everyone was in studio so we hadta perform infront of all. lol. thank gudness i oni mess up a lil bit. den after everything's done, our seniors hadta rite on a piece of paper which group has e best showcase. guess wat?? IDK IS THE CHAMPION. woohhoo!! we were like screaming n hugging sey. lol. However, we were so close wif Soul da' love. N we won tidbits in a red plastic bag. hahahs. so weird but cool! den after, we were released.
After bootcamp...
I went to meet Him at woodlands interchange. He looks so kiut in his limited edition black Adidas sweater n converse sneakers. lol. I told him to wear street style cos im wearing street style from boot camp. hehe. den he help me carry my ripcurl bagpack. so kiut ok? lol. den we decide to head to city hall. he drag me to Nokia shop at suntec city. Dat time i complained to him dat my earpiece is spoiled n i feel so sad cos i cannot survive without listening to songs wen i go out. den he say he'ld buy fer me n for real sey he insisted on buying. den reach nokia shop, he ask me to pick any earpiece i like. got from $20 to $40 plus ones. He say e $40 plus one nice. in my heart, i agreed but i say "nono. i wann e $25 one." it was one of e cheapest. lol. den i just took it. den he pay for it. so nice laaaaaa.... love him can? lol. den we go Toys R us. He loves looking at airplanes & cars toys. N i love looking at watever toys so we go c lo. lol. den i realised we haf e same taste in cars. he love lamborghinis too like i do!! =)
den after dat, we went to marina square. walk2 der den go eat. he wanted to treat me drinks den i say "nono. i pay." den quickly go buy drink. lol. den after eat, we go chill at esplanade n just watch the nitelife. ooohhs. nice ok. so cooling. den we walk back to mrt den he send me all e way home. so nice of him. hehe. reached home abt 11 sumtink?
Thanks seniors for making camp enjoyable. =)
Okay. Today. In class, as per norm. Go W4 food haven to buy food. I, being very particular about wat i eat (as in halal) hafta go n buy at the malay nasi padang stall. Im rather disappointed dat der is scarcely halal stall found in rp. So we haf very limited choices. Which is saddening. So nasi padang is e oni stall i buy from. Limei on the other hand, is my food buddy. We always go buy food together. I feel so touched dat bcos of me, she is willing to eat from nasi padang oni too. I dint force her, I even asked her if she wann buy from the chinese stall, i can accompany her. She say nvm "I can eat here too." Nice right? =) So we bought food and take-away to eat in class.
In class, she switch on her webcam and we camwhored with foods. lol. she's so kiuut. =)
After skul, I went to meet up wif my cuzzy, mary at J.E interchange. Hehe. I MISS HER A WHOLE LOT. been a realli long time since we hang. Lol. as per norm, we gossiped and joked. wen me n any of my cuzzins are tgder, my tummy hurts a whole lot from laughing. its so un-glam to be seen like a fool laughing till face turn red. But hey!! its WORTH IT. no amount of money or material things or even boys can make up for the moments we share. =)
anyways... we head for bodyshop to get her daddy sum lotion fer the legs n den head to McD. lol. we reached der, we dint noe wat to eat. I was not so hungry but haf the itch to eat sumtink. we placed our stuffs den look at e menu. I just realised that HAPPY MEAL can be bought by anybody and it oni costs 4 bucks!! i noe i am S-L-O-W. lol. but wat to do. hehe. okay. so we both agreed to buy cheeseburger happy meal. lol. e toy is a winx club frame. DAMN COOL. lol. okay. now i sound like i been deprived of childhood. but no okay. lol. been a great deal of time since i ate happy meal. hehe. so happy. okay. den we ate. yuumy! we chill out n update each other on our lives den we got up and explore imm.
I got the news dat my mr anonymous can book out fer few hours from camp. HOW COOL IS DAT? he told me he missed me n want to c me. awww. so called up mummy to ask if its okay fer me to c my mr anonymous. she say "okay" without hesitant. lol. so cute of her.
so after me n mary were done, i waited fer her to go on her bus den i went to c my mr anonymous at j.e int. we den head to coffee bean at jp. he treat me a choc cake. aawww. sweet. den he had coffee wif caramel. or sumtink. den we tok tok. he likes to poke me n pinch my cheeks. seriously, not oni him like to do dat. i find a couple of my guyfrens like to do dat. its either dat or tickle. WATS E DEAL GUYS? lol. makes me feel chubby. haha. but its cute. den abt 9++pm, we head home, he sent me all e way home. den he hafta book in. sadded. =(
okay... details about my mr anonymous...
he is not anonymous to me but im keeping him anonymous to u guys. hehe. =p
age: 18 going 19
birthdate: 6/7/89 (cool rite???)
Graduated from ACJC last year, currently serving NS (army). known him thru Mary.
dats all e details. n no. he is not my boyfy but... whu noes? lol. im keeping my options open.
was msging wif mr anonymous tday.. hehe. im amazed by him cos ders so many things that he can do. so i asked..."den what do you not noe how to do dear?"
him: hhmm. i dont know. haha. but i know that i do not know how to and dont wanna learn how to live without you. i'ld just die.
"Wassup Peeps!
The result of the first round of audition is OUT!
Refer to the table above
& check if your student id is up there.
If it is, you made it thru!(:
As for those who didnt made it,
do not give up nor feel dishearted, cos we believe passion is the key to succeed!
Students who made it thru da audition,
stay tune for more updates regarding the upcoming boot camp!
do check out your student mail or our blog regularly.
by Style Methodz at 12:02 AM "
above is the table of student id of rp peeps whu made it thru e audition. my id is 83964. so yeah. i m selected from the hip hop audition!!! im sooo happy la. shocked but happy. hahas. now i haf to go thru e boot camp den dey will decide further who will stay n whu will not. hehe.
me... =)
souvenior of the day...
my legs!! =p
our hot instructor. 2nd best wakeboarder in asia.
me n shikin
wakeboarding hunks
nita, deena n forgot the names.
brenda teaching steps 1,2 n 3
sum canoe people
leonard a.k.a fake japanese guy. lol.
techniques lesson.
Okay. on dis day, i meet up wif deena n shikin n alif at jurong east interchange at 9am. We den head kallang tgeder. We were the first ones to arrive. haha. kancong spider. lol.
anyways. soon de rest arrive. took attendance n such den we head off to the wakeboarding place. just a few mins walk from kallang interchange. we haf to take turns wakeboarding so yupp. damn draggy. the seniors taught us the 3 position for wakeboarding. lol. den we had breakfast tgder. we past time by soaking in the water, tanning, camwhoring and also talk crap. hahas. the weather was fine. lol. I was so afraid to get soo dark that i applied sunblock all over my body from top to toe for about 4 times 4 e whole day. lol. der was also other people whu do canoeing and dragon boating. lol. okay. NEVER UNDERESTIMATE THE WAKEBOARD. lol. it looks so petite and slim but its SUPER HEAVY. lol.
anyways. wen it was my turn, i was damn nervous. but guess wat? i managed to pull thru step 1 and 2 and alomost pulled off step 3 for first round. DAMN EFFING FUN i swear. lol. for first round, we held on to this triangle thing attached to the boat. (this is for beginners).
Den cums e 2nd round. I was told to use the rope one instead. (which is for standard wakeboarding like in competitions). And I managed to actually wakeboard using that. damn cool. but e hardest part was wen the speedboat makes a turn. we have to noe how to swerve the wakeboard smoothly so that we wont fall in water. effing cool. lol.
den after dat, it was e next person's turn. I got into the speedboat. for the first time in my life i got to ride on speedboat. damn nice. lol. among all e girls, onli me n deena was allowed to use the rope instead of the triangle thing. debby, our senior competitor asked us two to join the rp wakeboarding team to represent our skul for competitions. hahas. sounds fun but im like soo afraid to do stunts. lol. but i might consider if my schedule is not so tight. den everything ends about 7 pm plus. we head bugis after dat to go eat. den i about 9 pm plus, i took off from bugis n head back to boon lay to my aunt's place den head back home. got home, sleep like a pig. soo exhausted.
oh yah. i got a bruise on my hand (my souvenior for the day). this is cause when i tried to turn my wakeboard over, i accidentally knock my hand on the wakeboard. damn painful ok. lol. overall, i enjoyed it alot!! and i fell in love wif wakeboarding... =)