★Glitter & Glam★
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The crack.
daddy's n mummy's name on mummy's car. sweet. =)

mummy's car.

Wen sanity leaves me. =)

tday... go out wif mummy to acc her go function at her fren's condominium. BORED! my bro n my lil cuzz follow too but lucky em dey bought swimsuits so dey can play at e pool instead. i oso got out of e function thingy halfway t tann a lil bit but den e sun gets too hot so go back in for aircon n foods. anyways... skip to the next part... muahhahas

BIG NEWS. lol. mummy had an accident wen she was driving. nuthing serious. she accidentally drove onto e side of e pavement n her bumper? cracked. HORRIBLE man. e bang! sound damn loud dat people few feet away all turn n look sia. paiseyy. haha. den we check it out n e crack was horrendous. she just had it fixed in n sprayed few weeks ago to make it look sporty. n e car was bought oni last mth. hahas. n e funny thing is she was damn chill about it la. funny la. expected her t scream. instead, she still can take out her fone n took pictures of e crack. lol. den after...we dint go repair shop or sumthing le. instead, we head back jp n go citibella to haf manicure n pedicure. hahas.. she was e one whu had e full set. i oni had my nails shaped. den wen we reached home, she told my daddy bout e whole story. hahas. he was like " hw cum u wreck ur car?!" lol. she look so cute trying to explain n still can gif dat innocent look. hahas. =)



i went out to meet jann to acc her to singapore poly fer computer configuration. trust me. i feel thankful im in republic poly instead. cos if ur pampered kinda person, go rp. u simply leave ur laptop n dey'll configure everything fer u. in sp, u hafta do it urself. hahahs. me n jann were like cracking our head figuring it all out. took us abt few hours. n we still werent done cos of password problem so jann has t reschedule another slot another time. hahaha. jann was so sian after dat.

anyways. abt 5 we met up wif gary at outram park. i wanted to visit vivo people. miss em mahs. so wen we reach, we head lonsdale. awwww... gt t hug wif everyone la. heheh. den after dat, head topman t say hi to aidil. he was wearing shades n posing in front of e mirror wen i came. n wen he saw me he had dat surprised n paiseh look. he's cute la. he is into whole indie concept. i never liked indie kinda concept but he make me change dat thot now. haha. hotness. den he msged me later n scold me fer surprising him. =p

anyways...after dat, me, jann n gary head fer starbucks at harbourfront? went der n tot of buying sumtink. but instead we used e internet connection n quickly disappear after dat. hahha. ITS ALL GARY'S FAULT! =x hehe. den we head secret recipe to eat. yummy. den after dat we chill, talk talk, n window shop n camwhored. jann was rather quiet. TOO QUIET. n she dint join in fer her favourite activity:camwhoring! BABE!! dun scare me like dat again ok? so not u la. haha. den we all got home. jann alight at j.e. wen gary n i reached boon lay. we saw e 242 queue damn bloody long leh. so... we took 179 instead. alight at church der den walk home. talk talk n talk. nice la. gt t noe his dark sec 1 n sec 2 secret. hahah!! =x n dat was about my day...

hmm... butter factory is having underage party 1st april. but if i ask my mummy if i can go der, den i dun tink she will let me hang out wif my girlfrens at sentosa dat we planned of going saturday. cos go out too often oreadi. hmmm... clubbing or sentosa?? hmmm. sentosa got pub le. =p we'll c how lo.


i realised dat all dis while i been deceiving myself time n again. reality isnt sumting u'ld wanna face up to cos its damn freaking disappointing. but ders nuthing dat culd b done. i been blessed wif many things n people in life. im thankful. cum to tink of it, e onli thing in my life dat drove me to tears was u. yes i haf to admit... im naive n haf always been. silly of me t think dat i culd handle dis strange thing called 'love'. nahs. im not dat strong. yes im weak n i cry alot. but at least i noe i haf emotions n im not heartless. its true dat dey say parents noe wats best fer u n dey can foresee if sumtink isnt gud fer u. i never believed it but u made me believe it. i smile wen i tink of all e beautiful memories n all those fantasies i created. how silly of me. scarrs culdnt undo itself n i cant undo time n my mistakes. but i culd onli hope fer e best of wat is to become. memories wuld b held close to my heart but...its a pity... its simply a memory. thank u fer all e things uve taught me in my life. i learn my lesson good. i tot i was e immature one cos im younger but turns out im not always rite. :) sumday...u will understand how i realli feel. but now i noe, ur just a phase.

tink its time to go... =)



abt 4pm, i met Echah n her fren, Has at bugis. dat was e ferst time i met Has. she's quite frenly n sweet. =) actualli on dat day we were supposed to go out wif Mikal (echah's fren), Lam (echah's fren), aidil (a fren i made from topman vivo city), aidil's fren, aifa n a couple of guys. but turned out, sum culdnt make it. n my mummy dint let me go out on dat day actualli but since im mitin her at town anyway so i decided to juz 'oh-wat-e-hack' accompany my beloved echah awhile. =) anyways... we accompany echah shop for her stuffs at bugis street. she bought foundation, two tees n i cant rmmber wat else she bought. lol. after dat, we head fer town n walk around. n!!! we saw dis super cute ang-moh guy wen we were going up e escalator. he was on crutches (awwww) but he was still damn cute la. hahah. us three were speechless fer a moment. lol. anyways. about 630pm, we went our separate ways. i went to mit my mummy n they head city hall.
so my mummy n i did a little shopping. she bought a cute bonia bag from isetan n two foundation refills from lancome. den i wanted to bring her to far east to buy a perfume dat im in love wif... victoria's secret pure seduction perfume. e smell is oh-so heavenly. but she said she lazy to hafta walk so far so she bought me a escada moon sparkle perfume. e smell is sweet. =) den we head to paragon n den to sumwer outside heeren to c thierry mugler new perfume launch called 'innocent rock'. it has dat rugged smell which is rather exotic but mum finds it not so nice. so she bought thierry mugler 'angel' perfume instead as per norm. den i was oso msging wif aidil at dat time n got to noe he's sumwer in heeren. den coincidentally wen he got out of heeren wif his fren, my mummy n i oso was done buying our stuffs. he has dat whole indie concept going on. lol. den we wave at each other. he n his fren walk super damn fast la cos he said he was shy. siao! lol. den daddy cum fetch us n we went home. =)
got home, bathe, eat n talk wif my beloved best fren, ryry from 12 to abt 2 am den talk wif aidil from 2 am to 4 am. now, im damn damn tired. hahas.


160308 Lonsdale love!

(written by zuzu)

(a picture of sha)

(given by zuzu)

(given by Hanis)

(she has e same height as me but she's 19. =) )

(Me & zuzu in mummy's car. otw 2 werk)

(zuzu's creation)

(secret recipe's chocolate indulgence)


(KFC's whipped potato. Long john silver's clam chowder. Mcdonald's apple pie)


(Syikin & syaz)

(Syaz & Sutini (my supervisor) )

(gonna miss hanging out in dat store. sigh)

Im soo gonna miss working at lonsdale. the last 2 days, I was posted at Lonsdale, plaza singapura. time were onli spent wif mamat, sha, hanis n zuzu. 2nd last day, i bought us chocolate indulgence. damn heavenly. we camwhored, sing, shop, dance n joke for the last time. i spent abt $50 in total to buy glow in the dark keychains, the shape of a star for all lonsdale girls. found out dat it dint glow much. WTF. anyways. zuzu gave me letters n a box of belgian chocolates. damn delicious. hanis gave me a box of choco pie. nice. shamsul called in from vivo to say "gonna miss u baby". hahas. cute la. others whu called / msg me are nisha, raudah, sutini n syaz. im definitely gonna miss em n e frens ive made from other stores like freshbox n topman. hehe. im soo gonna miss waving to tommy (from freshbox) every time he passes by lonsdale to go toilet. his smile is damn charming la n he's like soo cute. sigh. hehe. den managed to gif hanis, zuzu n sha "goodbye" hug.
e msg i sent to all lonsdale peeps...
to my dearest lonsdale colleagues, as u all noe, tday is my laz day. Therefore, i wana thank u all for e wonderful memories shared. u guys made my every working days joyful n meaningful, be it 4 a short period of time. Times spent are precious n wuld b remembered forever. i love u all. do take care okay. keep in touch. one day we hang out okay? mwahhs!
wif loads of love...Fiqah(amboi)

msg frm shamsul...
hey syafiqah, i wish u all e best for ya future gf. :) study hard. hope to hear n see u again. feel free to drop by e outlet. gona miss u. hugs.
msg frm sut...
yeah man. do take care and all e best to you!
msg frm raudah...
touchin nya si mentel nie... haha.. klah. seriously, its been great workin wif u also.. i dints noe tis ur last day till dis afternn. well, im gona miss ur "amboi", ur mentelness n most of all u. u take gud care wherever u go. wish u all e best in ur studies. jgn nk cari boifren je k.. keep in touch ya..



★ Behind the scenes of my awesome possum life ★

♥ Take a step into a world of joy where there is only you, me and beautiful rainbows ♥