ferst day of ferst job. lol. wow. okay. my working hours are frm 9 am-530pm. not bad rite? okay. e job werent so bad. i werk tgether wif peiqin, bingliang n jann. we dint nid to move about much. we oni sit n wrap gifts. n we culd even talk, listen to mp3 n sms. =p we made new frens. our ferst 2 frens were hui ying n shu yun. lol. dey're a bit shy at ferst but were realli frenly after. dey're 17. waiting fer o's. fer lunch, we ate e e canteen. okay la. not so bad. den after werk...i n jann go jp n do some retail therapy n later gary joined us too. den we go eat LJS. coincidentally, all of us were wearing green. cool. =p den we do some retail theraphy again after n den we went our separate ways.
2nd day of werk...
in e morn, i was waiting at e bus stop den i saw gary n lay yen. dey r colleagues n dey were oso heading fer werk. so we took e same bus together. n same thing happened too on e 3rd day. lol. this time jann n i made frens wif hui ting n glen. glen doesnt talk much la.
3rd day of werk...
after werk i went n mit my frens aifa, chep, latifah, ayul n another fren of chep, halim. we played pool. halim is super pro la. he culd like shoot n 2 balls go in. cool man. den we played n joke here n der. wooo... its nice getting to de-stress wif aifa. she's like my best fren laaaa. lol. den ard 7pm, echah n nisa join us. den later i met my parents n went home wif em. =)
5th day of werk...
my frens, fafa, aifa n lat joined my werk too. n jann brought her fren. den oni on dis 5th day, glen was frenly. lol. he talk wif us n he's funny. he's oni 15. i find his hair very cute. lol. cos it has blonde, light brown n dark brown highlights. y its cute? cos it reminds me of feather duster. lol. shh. =p den we had free lunch. yay. but not so bad la. den after werk, fafa n i met my hunnie at clementi interchange. den we went to jp to haf dinner together den fafa went home n he sent me home. but he dint alight frm bus n send me up. =( tink bcos he dun wan late fer werk. his werk start at 9pm. nvm lor. so reach hme, helped mummy wif hse chores den spend time wif her. =) den sleep... zzzzzz....
i was so tired out by e end of e 3 day camp. so not enuff slip cos wake up damn early n reach hme late. horrendous okay. but i persevered to complete e 3 day cos i wann spend quality time wif my beloved fren, lili. =p n so.. i slept like a pig friday nite n woke up ard 12pm next morning. budden still nt enuff. wanted to slip sumore but my mummy wanted to spend quality time wif e family. on dat day we went johor. we watched movie, beowulf. e story not so bad la but nt my kind n abit too intimate. lol. den we went to eat at kenny rogers. wow. e food tasted abit weird fer me. i ordered dis platter wif their chicken, n macaroni n cheese n i cant realli remember wat else. der was oso muffins. okay. i culdnt finish e food la. it tasted like "herbal" kinda food. it looks healthy except fer e chicken. den besides dat we shop fer groceries n i oso took e pleasant opportunity to buy myself a shirt. =) n we got home late.
okay. on dis day. i went fer my grading. (hint: a type of self-defense) im currently blue belt taking fer blue belt red tip. omg la. im so thankful i remembered my "pattern". den fer sparring, i partnered my brother. e rule was "no contact" dat means we must oni fake it. but my smarty pants lil bro, hit me fer real. n so i did e same thing. (not on purpose) he just happened to be too near me so its hard to fake it. den e judge told us to do e 2nd round. (which is not a normal) n he said loudly...NO CONTACT. but still my bro dint reali follow e rule. wat a rebel. lol. okay. den we were done. parents fetched us n we went clementi fer awhile. i bought a shirt der n e flip flops dat i've been eye-ing fer. whoos. n went back to jp fer mum to shop ard a lil. n we got home n i got e news frm jann dat ders a job vacancy at a company named "crabtree n evelyn". wrap xmas gifts. n i started werk next day at their HQ.
okay. i was in a rush e other time so i dint get to write about wat happened but oni manage to post e pikchahs. okay.. so... e last day was super syiokk. we had our mass dance in e mornin. kelvin partner me. lol. salina was wif hoe kang. (dunno how to spell). hahas. den we were like giggling away. so hilarious la dancing. awkward man.
we oso head fer mass communications building. we get to see e studios n all. super cool. den we oso went to school of humanities. der was puppet show put up fer us. super cute. n we even tried drawing panda using 'chinese calligraphy' ? or sumthing like dat. haha. den der was oso magic show. super awesome. we had breeks as lunch. n we had ramen ten fer dinner. (fer muslim) n yoshinoya fer non-muslims. not bad la. den we had picture-takings wif our student leaders, mascots, n new frens. i made frens wif people named iffah, diana, tivona, farah, apple, charmaine, amanda n so on.
der were alot of pretty red campers. even e student leaders are good-looking. den we had hopnite. der were performances by paul twohill, westgrand boulevard, comic strip n one group of dancers. den we had a deejay frm zoukout that came down to perform. n e songs played were nice. n lili, me n tivona were like dancing like crazy. haha. den der was dis 1 malay guy n 1 chinese guy who tried to take turns grinding us while we were dancing. but thankfully lili realised it n pulled us away. oh yah. n before we entered the "mini underage club", der were security checks n we had to let them see our bag contents. haha. so silly. but it was fun. fer u guys whu wuld haf e chance to go red camp next year, do go aite. it might be awesome!! =)
we got pen dat looks like a syringe.
i won golden village movie tickets.
the plants i planted.
the food we ate. like kiasu sia. lol.
lili performing CPR on a baby doll. i tink she ENJOYS it. HORNY! lol.
operating room. the fake doll look so real. can blink, breathe n all. cool!
liquid nitrogen....
2nd day... we head fer life sciences n health sciences building. wow. at life sciences building we saw dem dipping food in liquid nitrogen. i tried out de marshmallow dipped in liquid nitrogen. was crispy sia. lol. den wen we chew it, smoke come out from our mouths so it looked like we're smoking but we're not. lol. super cool. den we went to health sciences. n den we see how people give birth, how to perform cpr n all sorts. damn awesome. but i feel so grossed out at e giving birth part. damn freaky la. lol. den we also had a chance to do some planting. cool! i mean fer life sciences. den we had pizza hut fer lunch. i ate 2 boxes cos was damn hungry. den alot more happen. but cnnt remember. oh yah. we had mass dance. kelvin was my partner. haha. cool man!! lol.
NRA hip hop crew
me trying out stunts wif magnum force. (cheerleading)
ferst day or red camp....
we went to aerospace building. wow. der was airplanes n all. so cool la. i even tried riding in one of e plane. of course it wasnt moving. den we had our KFC fer lunch. yummy!! den after lunch we tried out CCAs.. I tried out cheerleading, biking and hip hop dancing. supe awesome la. lol.
den wen finish...ard 8 pm plus... dear dear fetch me at ngee ann poly bus stop. he send me home.