tday. at ard near 6pm. i went out to buy foods fer break fast wif lili at central. n omg! she was close to being late! noe y? her hme clock was 10 mins late of e real time. lol. how silly of lili. oohs! dat rhymes! anyways. its official. lili n i are food buddies. heard of e phrase "wen ders love, ders 'us'."? fer us the phrase is "wen ders food, ders 'us'." =) but of course its just partly true. its more den just foods dat brought us together. rite lili? aniwaes. it was enjoyable lili. thanx alot! love u to bits n pieces. muax.
ytd. i skipped my training n went to geylang. reached der ard 7pm? omg!! it was so freakin packed. alot of mats n minahs. went der to shop fer raya stuffs. saw dis really cute outfit dat i tot would b perfect fer ferst day of raya. n so i bought it. its official. red is e colour fer dis yr raya. =) e atmosphere der was realli nice. felt e festive mood. n also. its very relaxing to b just walking ard n looking at all e stuffs der. e foods was great too. had a realli enjoyable time. wen had enuff of all e luking ard. it was already bout 10, near 11pm. den reached hme abt midnight? was so freaking tired n my back is aching frm all e walking ard. n peeps...take note: if u feel like dropping by der, do not forget to bring lots of packet tissues and do not wear thick outfits. its freaking hot wif e crowds n all. u'll b sweating wen shopping. aites. stopping here. take care.
tday. i gt most of my results back. n OH MY GAWD. it was perfectly horrendous. serve my lazy ass right! lol. i feel so sad. haiish. sori mummy n daddy. ive let u down. n so... to make up fer e guilt i feel inside. i, syafiqah, did revision tday. YES. its a miracle! lol. i did poa hmewk. n i cnt believe im saying dis...but...i find it quite fun. lol. gawd i must b craazzee. aniwaes. after dat, i chat wif my darling at msn fer very short while. he is VERY naggy. lol. dats y im calling him..."my mr naggy pants". he nag at me cos i dint had my afternoon nap n THREATEN me to go slip early tonite. hees. n he keep worrying abt me alot. asking if im okay fer like 4 times? n if i say i am. he'ld ask if im sure. -.- hees. n so... i can declare... he is much more naggy den me. hees. yay! but!! i find his nagging oh so adorable. lol. very cute okay! I LOVE YOU MY MR NAGGY PANTS!! hees. okay. den tday. i had to cook up some stuffs cos unfortunately, der was no food. (that i like). n so after break-fast (take note: e werds are seperated). i help to slice french beans. n OH MY GAWD. i saw a worm!! (or e likes of it) ewwwww... i screamed. n my daddy came to my rescue! whheess. thx dad! n dats my story fer tday. thank you. the end.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>girls on the rebound<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
ytd... i went out wit my girls after school. n so we planned 2 meet at boon lay interchange at 3.15 pm. fatty. was e first 2 arrive. followed by me n sally. n we were like standing der n counting. 1,2,3. ehs. y is der like onli 3 of us? n dats wen we realise. OMG! princess bella hasnt arrived. haha. sally was fuming mad, i was like "isit? okay. watever." n fatty was like...half-mad? lol. so wen e princess arrived, we were all like der waiting by foot. lol. anyways. BELLA. U LOOK HOT. lol. n so we were arguing abt wer 2 head 4. OMG! seriously. BELLA gt issues abt wer 2 go. its like she's phobia of every place i suggest. GOD NOES Y. hehe. n so... we head fer j.e entertainment centre. n take pikchahs at prints machine. den after we head over 2 west coast area n just slack ard e void decks area, near sum playgrd just to pass time by. n since we're girls wif cam cam.....WE CAMWHORED. den we were like talking crap. wen US get tgedeR, expect total FUN n all hell break loose. =p wheess... okay. n so... it was near break fast. so we head over 2 westcoast eating place? i dunno wat its called. OMG! der was like alot of good food okay. AND. fatty was like so impatient 2 buy food. lol. but i understand her. She's e queen of splurge. she was like cashing in on lots of food. she bought one nasi pattaya, $2 fries, 1 can of coke, 1 can of sprite?, 1 $8 plate of lala (its a seafood. nt lala, my bella). n i was as hungry as her. okay. maybe nt as hungry. I ate 1 plate of bisteak, 1 fried chicken wing, 1 kiwi cocktail n nt fergetting i helped myself wif their foods. =) n after, we head back 2 jp. we took bus 30. OMG! we all felt like puking in e bus. e journey was draggy. we had 2 end our outing cos bella hafta werk at 10pm. =( pity her. so we all went our seperate ways. n. i accompanied my mum 2 eat at jp. n dats pretty much wat we did. girls....i enjoyed e outing n all e u noe wats. =) it ended 2 soon. but ders still next time! muax. love ya'll.
been few days since i last blog. nw. its e prelim period. tmrw last paper. n tmrw is e beginning of fasting month. yay!! cant wait! =) hmm. my life been mediocre lately. no ups no down. im feelin kinda numb actualli. been like "hey. okay. watever." dunno y. dats gud of cos. for me dat is. cos wen im numb, i dun feel sad, angry or any unpleasant feelings. i feel just fine. =) i miss bella bella n fatty!! girls, we soo gotta hang out soon. n friday sounds good. okay. im stoppin here. till den.
warning! violent shooter on e move.
oohhss!!! i love his cute lil butt!!! heehee.
awwwww...he luks so cute sucking ice lemon tea frm straw.
ytd... i went out wif one of my beloved cuzz, whu is more of a sis to me, kak Elly n her son a.k.a my nephew a.k.a my boyfren... mikki!! (shown in e pikchas above) its been long since i hang out wif em. y? bcos of skool. nw dat dat its holiday. i cn see em!! yay!! so we went n chill at ard causeway point. omg!!! i miss going der okay. y? cos i used to go der alot wen kak Elly stay at woodlands. nw she's move up 2 sembawang, i hardly go der. n at woodlands area, as agreed by a couple of girls, der is like a lot of cute......ehm ehmm. lets nt talk abt dat. hees. so first we head fer e lib to get sum books but i had a fine of $15 under my name!!! i was like damn shocked. okay. so wth. we dint borrow books. den we head to basement. we gt ourselves sum tako yaki n bubble tea!!! yummy. den we gt up to e arcade n eat outside der. after eating, mikki pulled me into e arcade. he was like so xcited. hees. cute! den he noticed e nemo station!!! (as shown in e pikchah). OMG!! he love dat thing!! he was like spendin all his time starin at e lil fishes in e machine gg round n round n nvr get bored. n he giggle wen he saw e fishes flops. so cute! den wen its time 2 go, his mummy wanted to bring him out of e arcade n he screamed!!! omg! den he sobbed wif his lil hands coverin his face. awww. okay. den after we go take neoprints or watever its called. den suddenly i had crazy craving fer almost all e fud i saw. dunno y. i bought two barbequed chicken wings frm cold storage n frm yakun kaya toast, i bought 2 slices of kaya toast wif butter, 2 slices of toast wif raspberry ice cream and a bowl of soft boiled eggs. den after done eating, i bought 2 bottles of nail polish fer myself. =) after loads of satisfactory hangin ard, we parted. was so sad to part wif em. though its s'pore n s'pore is small, e distance felt so big. love em to pieces. =)
tday. i. syafiqa. feel so CHEATED!! i just got 2 noe an inside info dat e song i like, "excuse me mama" wasnt sung by chris brown. it was sung by sumone else! wth!! den y was it categorised under 'chris brown's song' at imeem? damn it. aniwaes. chris brown is like my IDOL!! hello!! i tink he's cute. his songs are nice! n his moves are wayyy so cool. hees. aniwaes. bsides dat, i feel nice tday. got 2 c my baby at skul. i cnt believe he actualli cum down fer physics. n e lesson was like very early. its a wonder hw cum he dint overslept n miss e lesson like he usually would. hees. den after i wanted 2 go eat kfc. so he accompanied me. sweet!! but too bad it wasnt open yet. so we decided 2 skip breakfast n go walk walk n spend quality time. den sum time later, my right eye gif problem. damn e lenses. bcos of it, my eye started 2 get all watery n it was soo pain. lol. n he...being a real sweetheart, try n make things right by wiping my "tears"n stuffs like dat n keep on asking if im alright. AND oso nag nag at me fer wearing lenses n nt specs. he says he prefer me wearing specs. im like U SERIOUS? hees. i noe!! he purposely wann me luk like toots. =p den since my eye was so pain dat i culd hardly open it, he ask me to go hme so i can take off my lenses. n so. ii went home. he send me to my lift. so nice! so... im endin dis post wif a couple of werds fer my mr naggy... I LOVE YOU!! nyahhas. n to all... haf a nice holiday. enjoy it while it lasts cos its ending soon! muahhaass. =)
ytd... i went shoppin wif family. again. at plaza singapura. ard 4 plus. e place was damn packed cos der was like a "high school musical 2 dance competition" or sumthing like dat. den mum went 2 starhub shop to get a line for home. woohhooo!! lol. im xcited cos its been damn long since i last had a hme fone. n it sux cos hp bills are wayyy too high. n my parents keep nagging bout it. so. nw dat ders hme fone, i can hang on e fone fer long long hours wif ehmm ehmm. hees. den after dat, i walk ard to find tops wif mummy. n after several walking, i saw dis 2 realli neat tops at m.industrie. both came in white colour. damn it. so. no choice but buy it anyway cos its realli nice. y damn it? cos i haf wayy too much white in my closet. even thought its my fav colour, its crazy 2 haf too much white. hees. den we went grab a bite at pizza hut. den we went to visit my ganddad at my aunt's place. den tday, i went out to jp to catch "ratatouille" wif my lil cuzz. den i bought us a necklace wif our names fer each of us. (as shown in e pikchah above) hees. b4 dat we went lib n (like fated) saw ehmm ehmm. hees. miss ehmm ehmm too many many. it was like a quick remedy fer me. yay! lol. den after a satisfying walking ard wif my lil cuzz, we head back hme. =)
Today. went shoppin wif family. wow. believe it or nt. its been like decades since i last shop. cos been so caught up wif tight school schedules. so ard 7 plus in e evening we went to vivo ct. dat is after mummy's done wif werk. first thing dat catches my eye was a reali fab sweater at Fox. I was like oh my god! dats so cute! hees. it came in two colours. black n white. white was my fav colour but black was cute too. i was in a huge dilemma. finally. i decided 2 settle fer e black one cos at dat time sumone came to mind n dat help me decide. wats e link? fer me to noe n fer u to go figure. nyahhas. after dat, we got a pair of kappa shoes fer my lil bro. it was neat. fer guy's of cos. den i helped mummy picked out a pair of reali hot straight cut jeans n a reali swank black top at marks n spencer. it looks fab on mummy. daddy dint bought anything cos he's nt into shoppin. god noes y. den after dat. wanted 2 shop fer more but it was gettin late n e shops were like closing. damn. so we went n haf dinner at west coast hawker centre. wow. e foods were damn tasty. its real nice eatin tgeder as a family. muax! love yahs family!! =)